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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries



Ph.D. thesis in progress


Laurent Busé was a member of the PhD committee of Amir Bagheri, "Cohomologie locale, les idéaux gradués et leurs puissances", 25th September, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France.

Bernard Mourrain was member of the Ph.D. committee of Tatjana A. Kalinka, “Changing representation of curves and surfaces: exact and approximate methods”, University of Athenes, 15th March; of the Ph.D. committee of Remy Imbach, “Résolution de contraintes géométriques en guidant une méthode homotopique par la géométrie”, University of Strasbourg, 8th October; of the HDR committee of G. Lecerf, “Algorithmique des polynômes à plusieurs variables : opérations élémentaires, factorisation, élimination”, University of Orsay, 26th November.

Evelyne Hubert was a member of the PhD committee of Christine Jost, Topics in Computational Algebraic Geometry and Deformation Quantization, Stockholm University, March 11th, 2013; and Cédric Zanni, Skeleton based Implicit Modeling and Applications, Université de Grenoble, December 6th 2013. She also took part to the mid-term PhD evaluation of Jules Svartz, Systèmes polynômiaux présentant des symétries : Algorithmes, Complexité, Applications, Université de Paris 6, June 20th, 2013.